2011 Picnic

Atlanta's Mississippi in the Park 2011

No rain on this day!

It rained on Friday, it rained on Sunday, but on Saturday it was all sunshine and smiles at Atlanta's 4th Annual Mississippi in the Park. All of our favorites were back with free treats at the event! Coca-Cola once again provided sodas and water at no charge. McAlister's was there handing out their delicious cookies and sweet tea. Sugaree's shipped in a little slice of Mississippi with their famous Caramel cakes from New Albany, Mississippi! And, of course, the catfish, cooked up by Ken Aiken and crew all the way from Mississippi, was as good as advertised!

The planning committee was most proud of that fact that we awarded our first ever scholarship at the event. Congratulations to Zachary Baer, a graduate of Woodland High School in Stockbridge and winner of the $1,000 scholarship for a Georgia resident beginning their freshman year in Fall 2011! He is off to Mississippi State to major in Chemical Engineering. We hope he is the first of many more recipients to come!

The 2011 entertainment lineup included 3 bands. We started out the day with the bluegrass & gospel music of Homegrown who have become a picnic regular. Then we danced the afternoon away to the sounds of blues artist, SaNa. The day wrapped up with the unique style of The Electromatics combining Blues, Jazz, Funk, with Rhythm and Blues. Each artist is linked to their webpage below for those that missed the event to get a little taste of what they missed.

Thank you for supporting the Mississippi Society of Geogria!

2011 Committee Members

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